Boarding Spots Available!

We have 1, possibly 2 openings for horse boarding.

Boarding Information

View our Facilities

Opportunity to trade chore labor towards board.

Contact Us for more information!


Bar L Stable is located 5 miles outside of Eyota, on the south side of the Chester Woods, out in the country and down a Dead End road.

front driveway


Our main barn is heated in the winter – it houses 4 stalls, a tack room, a wash rack, and a large aisle way for grooming/saddling.

main barn

wash rack

tack room

The main barn opens up to our indoor arena, which measures
60 x 130’ and has stalls along the side.


arena 2


Behind the arena leads to the small pastures/paddocks for lesson horses and boarders.


paddock 2
On the west side of the main barn are paddocks and runs with run-in sheds, usually reserved for our personal horses.

And a nice pasture out front usually reserved for the old folks and retired horses.


We own 160 acres of land, most of which is set aside for wildlife habitat and trail riding.

trail riding 3

trail ride

Please contact us and let us know if you’d like to come check the place out!


Bar L Stable
Tom and Terry Lauth
2928 90th Ave SE
Eyota, MN 55934

Horses for sale

Bar L Stable offers a select few performance, reining, and working cow bred Quarter Horses for sale. We also order buy for clients looking for either a new horse, or a first horse for the family.

Gift Certificates

Ask us about
Birthday Parties
& Other Events!

Gift Certificates
also Available for
Lessons & Trail Rides!